RENT-MY-PLACE.COM is an online platform that unites Renters and Property Owners. Because our team is made up of previous renters and current property owners alike, we have a great understanding and appreciation for the challenges each face with the renting process.
We know as a perspective renter, the search for a new home can be very daunting. The process of scouring over classified or social media ads, in an effort to find that perfect property, is time consuming and frustrating to say the least. Before you know it, you feel like you have made a hundred calls, filled out thousands of applications, and answered the same questions a million times.
We understand that as a property owner, the search for a new and reliable tenant is equally daunting. As the inquiries come in from the new perspective tenants, you find yourself searching through piles of rental applications, calling references, verifying income, and doing background checks. All this, in an effort to hopefully find a new tenant that can meet the financial obligations of your lease, and take care of the property as you expect.

Are you ready to get your "MOVE" on?
Take a few minutes to fill out our Application so that we can locate places that not only fill your needs but fit your budget!